пятница, 4 ноября 2016 г.

Vankesidi's Loot Filter for PoE 3.2

Vankesidi's One Key Clear Drop Loot Filter for PoE 3.2
Current version: 3.2_01, 27 April 2018

Shit league 3.2, screw this mechanics (filter is adapted nonetheless)

Constructive feedback, comments, some wishes is very welcome. Please don't steal my lootfilter and don't pretend it's made by you - gives baaad karma. 

If any error would show up during initialization - try to redownload filter later: sometimes I'm editing the filter without PoE available to test out right away (at my job, tssss!), those bugs - if any - will be fixed asap as I come back home (8 hours at peak). Roll back to previous version and check back later (and, um, sorry).

Why I did it myself instead of using Neversink's or ZiggyD's or whomever else? Well:
1) I don't really want to learn their color codes - some of them was kinda obscure or eye-melting;
2) I prefer clear and colorful yet not acidic scheme - some of them was too bright/dark,  unreadable at all, or cluttering the screen even more than being turned off;
3) I know what I want to see on my screen and what not - some of their items of interest doesn't concern me (and vice versa);
4) I want a general idea of what's just dropped there - some of the info provided by their filters is excessive;
5) making it was an enjoyment, really, some glitches was funny;
6) works well enough for SSF .
For not to be a snob - I don't think my filter is better, it just was made to suit my needs. Many of other LFs is a great work for sure, no doubts, and cheers.

Why you should use my loot filter over others? No reason, really, it just might happen that you got the same tastes as I do - pastel but recognizable coloring, very few backgrounds (only in important cases), mostly color-coding and a bunch of frames. Clean, tidy, simple, quiet.

Can't recommend to run it right from the start until A3 Normal, because you will probably pick up and use many items that would be hidden by the filter - white/blue, low-socketed, trashy ones. By A3 you'll probably be picking only rares and rich-socketed white items, and that's the time to turn the filter on. Well, alternatively you could get him always running, pressing Alt on the occasions.

Coloring is explained in details in comments (loot filter by itself is just a piece of formatted txt document).

Pics to compare (from an invaluable  PoE ItemScript Editor, Tukohama bless his author):

Regular screen, no loot filter enabled:

NeverSink's loot filter (pretty popular):

Vankesidi's loot filter (my own, 2.5_01 pic, I'll update it... well, someday):